At the same time our design team is working on logos, our content team is fleshing out messaging, using the information we gathered during Discovery to nail down clean, concise lines of text that can be used in conjunction with the brand. Copywriters drafted up our client’s key features, a benefit statement, and finally a value proposition that can double as a tagline.
Presented with four final logo options and some solid messaging, Storm Warriors enthusiastically selected a final logo: a rounded square that holds Storm Warriors initials and a colon. Since Storm Warriors partners with multiple organizations, the idea was that the colon would give them the chance to combine logos with partners, with the colon being the separator between the two. Additionally, the colon within the box of the logo created an abstract image of a camera.
Once a final logo is selected, we send it back to the design team to tweak based on the client’s final revisions and start mocking up the branding guidelines. We ended up dropping the final initial from the logo; during the logo process, we collectively realized that part of Storm Warriors rebranding would be giving the name a small tweak to make their mission less vague and more pointed. Storm Warriors International became Storm Warriors Media Foundation.
voice of your brand.