Atlantic Salmon Federation • Non-profit
Leaping Forward with a Dynamic Website
Atlantic Salmon Federation, one of the leaders of wild salmon conservation, needed a website as dynamic as their mission. From researching salmon across the North Atlantic to advocating for their protection, their work is vital. Inspired by the intricate life of wild salmon, we leaped together and crafted a uniquely stunning website.
Web Design
Software Development
ASF is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting, conserving, and restoring wild Atlantic salmon and their natural habitats in North American rivers. They wanted a user-friendly website that informed visitors about their initiatives and programs while promoting membership, donations, and subscriptions. We used our expertise to help them achieve this goal, enriching the site with a variety of visuals including videos, illustrations, and professional photography to enhance the user experience and engagement.
A Complex Message, Simplified
ASF's message was complex, and our task was to present a large amount of information in a clear and engaging manner. To achieve this, we crafted an intuitive user experience, allowing individuals interested in learning about ASF's work to easily navigate and absorb the information.
Rich Photographic Legacy

ASF’s photography draws from a rich legacy, resulting in a large collection of images that include antique film, underwater macro, and dynamic action shots. Emphasizing this variety and historical significance was incredibly important.

Typographic Update With Character

We’ve given ASF’s typography a vibrant and welcoming transformation that celebrates its rich heritage while introducing a friendlier, more approachable look. In selecting the typography, we opted for a serif font known for its gentle and inviting characteristics, lending the brand a blend of tradition and warmth.

Integrating Powerful Widgets

In revamping the website, we focused on user interaction and ease of navigation. By integrating powerful widgets, visitors can effortlessly access information and contribute to conservation efforts with just a few clicks.

A Salmon Life Cycle Illustrated
Inspired by the compelling ASF illustrations, we decided we just had to integrate them into the refreshed website. They helped us craft an intimate narrative depicting the complex life cycle of salmon and ensured a seamless blend of diverse visual styles.
Imagery That Whispers Wonders
Using strong, vivid pictures is key to sharing feelings and connecting more deeply with the story. We were lucky to have access to ASF's professional photography, which truly brought their stories to life and made them hit home.
UX Through Photography
Integrating stunning photography with user experience design, we created a visually captivating and intuitive interface that enhances visitor engagement and deepens their connection to ASF's mission.
A More Robust Expression of the ASF Brand
Clear messaging is evident from the very beginning. The hero section exemplifies seamless navigation, prominent messaging, and enhanced use of visuals, contributing to a more robust expression and an optimal user experience.
Let's work together to bring your vision to life.
Orion Alden
Maggie Nugent
Content Director
Tyler Moulton
Karla Harkness
Project Manager
Anja Sevo
Harry Foster
Marketing Associate
Milos Misic
Snr Developer
Sasa Jovanovic
Petar Ilic
Meet Side•Sea
We teamed up with the Atlantic Salmon Federation to breathe new life into their website, drawing inspiration from the intricate world of wild salmon. We effectively conveyed ASF's mission by integrating dynamic imagery, updated typography, and an enriched illustrative narrative, ultimately creating a stronger bond with the audience.
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